Auto body repair & detailing: What I though was a minor fender bender, minor fender, fender bender

Scerio Synopsis: As I was parking behind a 1995 white (and in bad condition)cavalier about two feet away my foot slipped and i hit the gas and hit a womans bumper. It came out a bit, but not my any means was it hanging, it looks as though the lip under the trunk of the bumper has come out and there is a crack in the corner about 2 inches long. The woman told me (she is about  40) that she would go get an estimate and i could settle up with her in cash, as she did not nore did i want to go through insurance. By the way I am 19. When she called me back she said it was 800 for a new bumper( although i did not think she needed one) but she would give me a deal for 600.00 seeing as how i was a "young kid" . When I asked if we could try another estimate at a carshop of mychoice she got mad and said this steep even for a new bumper, or is this woman trying to scam me, please help!


Not a bad price. Bumper repair or replace is approx 600-1200 national average. You should be fine. sounds like she did you good.I would move on from here and let the deal be done. In the future, get a second estimate; however I really feel you got a great deal. Even if she doesn't fix the car and took the money, you did well.
Have a great day, David