Auto body repair & detailing: dents in bumper corners and small dents, earl scheib, body shop paint

and scratched from general parking lot abuse. Hi Mike. My name is Bill and I have a 98 Camry. I've seen this a lot in Camry's around this model year, that is, a dent in the corner of the bumper. I got hit in a parking lot and I don't have collision. Is there any way to pop this out?

Since I'm already writing to you, I'd like to ask another question. I've accumulated a decades worth of smal scrapes and scratches on the body-nothing major. I've seen some Pick-ups driving around where I live in No. CA that have advertised inexpensive small dent repair. Are those services, in general, any good? If they charge by the individual dent, I'd be toast anyway since my car seems like a magnet for careless drivers/passengers swinging open doors. Can you recommend any of those services? Do you know if they touch up paint? As far as paint goes it seems like I see (or remember seeing) Earl Scheib ads for $99 paint jobs (which I would imagine last about 2 weeks) and real body shop paint jobs, which-if I remember correctly-run about 2k and up. Is there anything in between those options?

Thanks for taking the time to read my email and (hopefully) responding to it.


The bumper covers can heated with a heat gun or heat lamp and worked back out from behind if you can et to it, otherwise, you will have to remove the cover.
As far as the cheap paint companpies go, check their warranty, there should be different warrantys depending on what job you ask for. Most of those places charge extra for dents, primer, ect. I don't know which ones are the best.