Auto body repair & detailing: 2000 Camaro Quarterpanel chipping, rear quarter panel, old paint


I am looking to have the left rear quarter panel repainted on my wives 2000 v6 camaro coupe. The paint started chipping about 3 years ago as I think some one scratched the car and it started pealing of from there. Anyways, I have gone to numerous shops and have received a wide variety of estimate costs? I am interested on what the cost of having a quarter panel refinished and painted usually is on average? The chipping of the paint is about the size of my hand and is down to the primer. Any advice would help thanks.

Jackson, the average repair cost for painting that panel is around 400.00. It will go up or down depending on how much body damage, peeling paint etc. The chipped area may be small, but it is the reason for the chipping in the first place that can cause the estimates to rise. If the paint chipped on a panel that was painted by another shop (not factory) there could be adhesion issues and a shop may want to strip the old paint. Another shop may want to feather the chip into the existing paint and others may just fill the chip and primer and paint. All estimates will vary because of personal opinion on this type of repair process. I recommend you go with an experienced, highly recommended shop and get a written lifetime warranty. Also, your cars quarter panel may not have a breaking point to stop the paint and some shops will want to blend the roof and down thru the other quarter panel. Not uncommon practice. It is the correct process; yet even more costly. Hope this helped. Good Luck Jackson, David