Auto body repair & detailing: wind noise and rattle, warranty issue, damaged cars

I have a 2007 DOdge Ram which I purchased new 5 months ago. Yesterday a wind gust caught the door as I was opening it and slammed it open. Since then i've been hearing wind noise when I drive. The door seems to be lined up except at the very top where it feels like it's a hair higher than the back door (quad cab truck). I don't feel this when I run my hand over the top of the passanger door.  Do you think something got bent up or could have it been like this all along and I just never noticed? How can I fix it the wind noise is driving me nuts not to mention it seems to rattle on bumpy roads now.  Thanks.

Sam, a couple of things to think about. One, it could have been there before and you need to take it into dealer and have them look at it as a warranty issue. Two, when the door blew open, there is a good chance it opened fast and hard enough to slightly bend the hinge pillar. That is the part where the hinges are welded or bolted to on the adjoining panel. It most wind damaged cars this happens often. a good body shop can tell you the problem for sure as i can not see the car. I just want you to know it is very possible it bent the pillar post. Such a repair can be costly if the door is beyond minor adjustment. The wind noise is probably from that damage and will not go away until the damaged areas are addressed. The bad part of this is that the damage is not very visible and will seem like the estimates are unrealistic. However, a pillar post is a structural part and will need to be measured, pulled and repaired. The door will need to be removed for repair access. I recommend a good body shop that your family and friends recommend or one you have had a good past experience at. Good Luck Sam, David