Auto body repair & detailing: 2000 Corvette Coupe, corvette coupe, claims suit

QUESTION: Recently my car was hit on the passenger side front bumper while it was parked. The body shop completed the work and I drove the car home. When I got home I noticed the gaps between both headlights and the hood/nose and the gaps between the fender/door on both sides had changed after I viewed it at the body shop. I took the car back to the body shop because the headlights in the front outer corner were almost touching the nose. It appeared as though it was going to rub when I turned them on. The top of the fender is extremely close to the door yet the bottom has a large gap and is bowed outward. The body shop showed me another Corvette also a fifth generation not sure of the year which was not hit in the nose but had the same issue as mine if not worse. They stating that is how they are from the factory. I don't recall my car having those issues before it was hit. Any help you can provide would be appreciated since I have to return back to the body shop again.

ANSWER:  If the body shop will not fix the problem, call your insurance co. They paid the bill and will normally stand behind the repair and send you to another shop to have it fixed right. The first shop does not want this to happen so when they here of the complaint, they should rush to fix your car, they do not want to lose the insurance companies business. If that does not work, file small claims suit.
If you have a good ins. co., your problem should stop there.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The insurance company told me it's my problem since I picked the repair shop, it was not repaired in one of their recommended shops. I just really want to know if after the car was hit if it's possible to fix it so that it looks as good as before. I've been told by many people it will never be the same and that if I am that picky I should just sell it. Will the body lines never line up properly because it's been hit or is this something that is fixable?

If your car does not look as good as it did before the repair and the shop refuses to fix it right, go to small claims court or hire an attorney. There is no reason for this. Every car that goes through my shop looks as good or better then before, I guarantee this. These shop give us good guys a bad name for trying to get away with this kind of crap. Do not let this go, your car can be fixed right. Go to different shop or two and get another opinion, since I can not see this car, and find out what the real problem is.
Also, do you have a good insurance company or do you have one of those cut rate companies like Progressive or AIG or Esurance? That could be the problem with the shop.ay the ins. co. would not pay enough to do the job right. That is still not an excuse for shoddy workmanship.