Auto body repair & detailing: 1991 Honda Accord Cowl Panel Glue?, autobody repair shop, plastic cowl

Hi William,
   I recently replaced my wiper transmission on my 1991 Honda Accord SE and in doing so I had to remove my Cowl Panel. I purchased a new Cowl Panel from my local Honda Dealer since the old one was worn and faded. I noticed that it came with two rubber end pieces (gaskets) that need to be glued to the plastic Cowl Panel. The dealer didn't know what I should use to glue it on properly. They told me to get the advice of someone at an autobody repair shop. I'm just concerned on what type of glue to use that, 1) will be water proof, 2) not shrink the rubber when attaching to the plastic, 3) not squeeze out and make a mess that cannot be cleaned up without ruining any surfaces, and 4) be strong enough to hold in harsh outdoor conditions. Any help you can give will be much appreciated. Thank you.

Hello Jim! 3M makes a product called super weatherstip adhesive. It comes in yellow or black, it should do the trick. As far as squeeze out, application is all about the skill of the guy applying the adhesive, and not really about the product itself. Apply the sealer sparingly, and you will be fine, but be warned- it doesn't clean up well. Products that meet all 4 criteria you set forth just don"t exist, my friend. Take your time, test fit the parts before applying sealer, apply the sealer sparingly. A little goes a long way. Bill