Auto body repair & detailing: 88 Chevy Silverado drivers side power window off track, chevy silverado, tight area

QUESTION: The driver's side power window of my daughter's 88 Chevy Silverado 1500 4x4 has somehow jumped the rear track. Having dismantled the door as far as the interior cover, exposing the black metal inner cover, we find very little access to the rest of the inner door. We tried reaching in and guiding the "wheel" back into the track with no luck as no position gave us enough access. We removed the black panel, however the tracks are bolted to this piece so it is only possible to move it up and down (which inadvertently also moves the window up and down) but didn't seem to have enough hands on deck to hold the window (to alleviate the weight), move the panel around to manipulate a good enough position to get the "wheel" lined up properly and also guide the "wheel" back into the track. Is there an easier way or what is the proper procedure for getting the power window back into the track?

Thanks :)
ANSWER: If you remove the rods off the inner handle it is a little easier.Also unbolting the latch helps too.I have found it takes about 3 people to do this job.Having someone work the switch while another person guides the rollers,watch your fingers, and another holding the glass usually works.There is no tricks that I have found for these doors they are simply a pain to work on.You will have to lower the black panel and raise and lower the glass with the switch and you should be in luck.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Nice to know we were on the right track (no pun intended). That is basically what we were doing but being one person short and under some time constraints we had to consider ourselves beaten this battle but the war with the window is by no means over! Thanks for the info.

Could you maybe clarify which rods (off what "inner handle") and what "latch" we should unbolt. We were a little leary about unbolting too many things for fear of not being able to get things put back together in such a tight area. I want to make sure we are undoing the correct things here. My apologies for being a little too detail oriented.

Thanks again :)

The inner handle is the one you use to open the door from the inside and the latch is at the back edge of the door,there is 3 torx bolts holding it in place.Also be  sure that everything works before reinstalling the trim.I think there are rivets holding the inner handle to the dreaded black inner panel,drill them out and remove this assembly ,you will see how the rods come off.Take your time and good luck. P.S. Unbolt the latch as a last resort,if it drops too far the outer handle rod will slip out of the latch.