Auto Glass: power window- 99 Toyota Camry, auto parts retailers, dorman products

My driver's side window goes down,  but does not go up.  This has been a slowly developing problem over the past 12 months.  It only happened occasionally at first, but now all of the time.  It will only move a little bit up, and takes many tries while driving or restarting the car for it to move an inch or less at a time.  Is this a problem of the regulater? the switch, or the motor?

Hi Debra,

The situation you describe is typical for a soon-to-fail window motor on this vintage of Camry.

If you go to the Toyota dealer to replace the motor it will be quite expensive.

I have been using a much less expensive aftermarket window motor from Dorman Products for this repair for several years and have had very good results.  The Dorman part number is 742-600.  You will find the Dorman brand carried by many auto parts retailers such as Auto Zone.

Feel free to send me a follow up if you need additional information.

Ben  .... the power window guy