Auto Glass: Passenger side windows not working, testing electrical circuits, rear vent

Hi there,
 I have a 98 Windstar and I have been having problems with the passenger side windows. For a while now the passenger front and rear window will not open with either switch (the passenger or driver side).  The driver's side works great.  
I am not sure how to troubleshoot this problem, so any help/advice is greatly appreciated.


Hello Andrew,

I believe this vehicle is equipped with separate fuses for the right and left side window circuits.  The first thing you should do is consult your owner's manual for the fuse locations and verify that the fuse for the right side windows is good.  If the problems persist after you are sure the fuse is good, then you can go to the steps listed below.

The window motor in the right front door has a higher than average failure rate.  There is a "non-technical" way to test the motor.

1.  Start the engine with the vehicle in "Park."

2.  Sit in the passenger seat and open the passenger door.

3.  With your left hand press and hold the window switch "down" while closing the door firmly with your right hand.

4.  Repeat the process two more times if the window doesn't go down after the first attempt.

If the window begins to work after the "non-technical" test, you need a new window motor.  

If it won't work, then you will need to test the electrical circuit to determine where the problem is.

The most common problem I have seen on this vintage of Windstar is a failed switch.  However, I have also replaced the window actuator/motor assembly.  Unfortunately, there is no "non-technical" test for this issue.  Unless you have a 12V test light or an electrical meter and some experience testing electrical circuits you should probably have some one with experience investigate this issue.

Hope this information helps.

Ben ... the power window guy