Auto Glass: power window wont roll up, monte carlo ss, switch failure

QUESTION: I have a 2001 monte carlo ss.  I have tested the switch and the motor both test good.  The drivers side window will roll down but not up.  I can bypass the switch and roll the window up.  I have 12v going to the motor on both the up and down side.  I have checked everything I know to check.  Please help

ANSWER: Hi John,

Window switch failure on the "up" contact of the Monte Carlo driver's window switch is very common.  

Please tell me what color wires you probed when you checked for power out of the switch.  Also, did you remove the electrical connector from the motor and check for power on both sides of the connector while you operated the switch.

Please get back to me with that information and I am confident we can decide which component is causing the problem.

Ben  ... the power window guy

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I am on my 2nd brand new switch from GM. The wire color is dark blue on the up side and tan on the down side.  Yes I have 12v on both sides of the electrical connector.

ANSWER: Hello Again John,

Two things:

ONE - you say "tan" for down.  I believe that should be dark brown.  Tan should be down for the passenger window.  Maybe were are just using different names for the same wire, but since you have such an unusual problem I think it is best to be sure.

TWO - have you checked to make sure that you don't have an internal short in the switch?  For example, when you operate the switch up or down are you checking the dark blue wire AND ALSO the dark brown wire to be sure you aren't getting power in both directions?

ANOTHER THOUGHT: tell me what source of external 12V power and what procedure you used to roll the window up.

I'll be leaving the house Saturday morning around 9:30 CDT and not returning until Saturday evening, so if I don't hear back from you early today I won't be able to respond again until Sunday.  

Ben ... the power window guy

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes it is dark brown for down.  I only get 12v on 1 side when you press down, but 12v on both sides when you press up.  My procedure for rolling the window up is to ground the down side and put 12v to the up side.

Hi John,

Getting 12V on both the "up" and "down" side of the switch when you press the button to raise the window certainly explains why the window won't go up.

My first reaction is that you have a bad switch, but from your comment ("I am on my second brand new switch from GM") it seems highly unlikely.  On the other hand, the procedure you use to raise the window seems to rule out any wiring or motor issues.  

I am at a loss to explain why you are experiencing this problem.  I wish I could be more helpful, but I don't think I can offer any more assistance with this question.
Ben ... the power window guy