Auto Glass: 2004 Impala Window Problem, wire pairs, volt battery

I am back with one more question.  I understand that my last question was quite a loaded one.  I decided to test the driver's side motor using a direct wire from the battery's positive terminal.  The motor did not respond at all to up or down terminal.  I also checked continuity for each window between the "up" and "down" terminals.  I had a resistance reading for all 4 windows, which leads me to believe all 4 motors are shorted internally.  Now for my question:  I respect your experience and I am wondering if you have ever seen something short out all 4 motors at once?  And apparently not trip the window control circuit breaker.  Very odd situation, but I am not looking forward to replacing all 4 motors (expecially if they just short out again).  Any advice or answers are greatly appreciated as money is an issue.  Thanks again Ben!

Hi Michael,

I seriously doubt that there is anything which could have shorted out all four window motors.  The circuit breaker is almost foolproof: I have seen only one failed one in almost ten years.

Let's try taking the switch completely out of the circuit as follows:

1.  Remove the wiring connector to the master switch.

2.  Attach a separate wire to each of the terminals on a 12 volt battery: the car's or a spare.

3.  Place the "negative" wire in the dark blue socket of the connector and the "positive" wire in the dark brown socket of the wire connector.  The window should go down.  Reversing the wires will raise the window.  You can do the same thing with the other "up and down" wire pairs in the wire connector.

4.  If the motor doesn't respond, disconnect the wiring to the motor and place your negative and positive wires directly to the motor terminals before you decide to condemn the motor.

Let me know what happens.

Ben ... the power window guy