Auto Parts: type B or C fuse, needle nose pliers, saturn sw2

Have a 2000 Saturn SW2 and want to change the fuel filter.
Instructions says to pull the fuel pump fuse and run the car till it sputters. I believe the car has a type B or C fuse (it's like a square block but doesn't show a fuse link nor clear plastic top, marked 3602 on it).  How do I remove it and is it easily replaceable if I mess it.  I tried to pull it but it didn't budge - didn't want to pull too hard for fear it'll break.

Hello David,

These type of fuses are easily removed and replaced if damaged, they simply pull straight out of the fuse block.  To remove them use a pair of pliers or needle nose pliers, grasp the fuse firmly but not too tight and pull the fuse out of the block, you may need to wiggle it from side to side as the fuses tend to fit very well into the block, but they do come out.

Replacement is not difficult, you can find a replacement at most auto part stores for a few bucks.  To replace the fuse, push it straight into the fuse block.

Also note, when removing the fuse it is common for the top of the fuse to pop off, this is normal and it will go right back on if you push it back onto the fuse.

Good Luck

Thank you