Auto Parts: Vehicle Inverter, earth ground, followup question

QUESTION: Is the ground terminal on the Inverter supposed to be grounded to the frame of the Vehicle or to a earth ground?

ANSWER: Hello John,

Anytime you need to ground something in a car it needs to be grounded to a GOOD VEHICLE CHASSIS GROUND.

Any part of the vehicle body that is metallic and not painted or otherwise covered by a non conductive element will work fine.

Good Luck

Thank you

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Antonio,
Thanks for the reply to my previous question.I do have a followup question.If I had my battery and Inverter setup Indepently away from any vehicle what would I ground the Inverter to? Thank you. John.

Hello John,

Well this is outside my area of expertise, as i only deal in automotive applications, however, i would assume that you could ground it to an earth ground such as a grounding rod, or directly to the battery negative terminal considering you are asking about a battery and inverter setup away from a car.

Good Luck.