Auto Parts: Z5 Invention, high school science, stone axe

'You tube' has an article on  a "Z5" air intake part invented by a Jewish teenager which is reported to increase gas mileage
and reduce pollution by a large amount. Some of the reports on Z5 indicate that other countries have already adopted it and others claim it is a valid report. Do you have any information on this. If correct it would seem that the auto industry, Al Gore and Obama should be jumping on it like a Duck on a June bug.
Can you offer any positive information on this? Thanks for any help.

    While anything is possible, I would be willing to bet a large pile of money that this is another con job.  I watched the video and noticed that, while the reporter made all sorts of assertions, we were not shown any of the actual results of these "tests."  And I also noticed that the "experts" all gave generic occupations such as "engineer," without mentioning where they worked or what discipline they studied.  You should never say never, but I would bet that you will never get $200 worth of fuel savings from one of these things.  Most of these devices recommend that you replace the spark plugs or otherwise tune up the car to "take full advantage" of the device's properties.  But if you did the tune up without the device you would get the same benefit.
    The world is full of crazy stuff like this.  The "inventor" always claims either that the automakers refuse to adopt his idea because of the oil industry's influence, or that they are all calling him to buy the idea.  No one who has studied basic high school science, and actually paid attention, could believe any of these assertions.  Yet they are out there separating marks from their cash, and have been since the dawn of time.  I'm sure there were Cro-Magnon men selling special ointments to rub on your stone axe that would  make it kill more bears.  I don't know what they got paid, maybe a couple of rabbits or an extra woman, but I know they were down the road fast, operating under a different name in the next valley.  The fact that internal combustion engines are not terrifically efficient has left a door open to scallawags like this ever since Otto figured it out.  Those inefficiencies do not lie in the absence of a copper napkin ring in the air inlet tube, they lie in the very nature of the combustion process and the fuel that is used.  Please don't get suckered in by these guys, they don't care about emissions they just want your money.