Auto Parts: toyota celica, english sports cars, traction control systems

i have 2003 gts celica. the thing i dont like bout it the most is the drive by wire throttle. i wondering is there a way to replace it with a regular drive by line throttle without the ecu going crazy?

    The answer to that is simple: no.  Drive-by-wire is essential to the stability control and traction control systems that Toyota uses, as well as the anti-lock brakes.  There just isn't any practical way to get around it without actually building a whole new car inside the shell of your old one.  If you are looking for a car that communicates better with the driver, you might want to save up a little money and buy an old Miata.  I've seen very serviceable Miatas out there for around a grand.  Spend a little on aftermarket upgrades and you've got the closest thing to a racecar that you'll ever see on the street.  And, you'll still have the Celica when you want to look respectable.
    Oh, and if you are really crazy for the sports car thing, buy an old MG Midget along with some extra life insurance.  There is nothing in the world, short of a Lotus 7, that will deliver the immediacy and sense of control that one of these little English sports cars does.  And, the MG wil do something neither of the Japanese cars can do: appreciate in  value while you own it (woo hoo!).