Auto Parts: Electrical, toyota 4runner, electrical question

QUESTION: Brake lights do not work and something is draining the alternator. 1995 Toyota 4Runner 4wd

ANSWER: If BOTH brake lights don't work, the main thing in common with them is the switch, which is actuated by the brake pedal.

As far as the alternator issue, I'm going to need more information.  Need more info...

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have put on a new switch, still not working. I have put on three new alternators and batteries.  New engine over a year ago.

Boy, gonna have to dig a little deeper then.  After replacing the switch, and both bulbs STILL don't work, then you have an open circuit between that switch and the lights.  That's about as far as I can go from where I'm sitting without seeing it first-hand.

If you've changed out the alternators three times, I'd wonder what is causing your alternators to go out.  Is the pulley aligned properly with the rest of the belt system?  What I'm getting at here is if the alt. pulley is not properly aligned, then the bearings could be going out...  Again, it's tough to diagnose this one without physically taking a look at your setup.  

OR, are you utilizing the same-sized pulleys as before?  If you have the incorrect-sized pulleys, the alternator may be spinning too fast and causing it to burn itself out....  Just some random thoughts and ideas here.