Auto Parts: 1996 hyundai accent transmission, snap ring pliers, hub pullers

what are all the specialty tools?
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just wondering where i could find out how to rebuild a transmission? wanting to rebuild my own.
The best thing would be a builders manual. i would try checking with either the dealer or the local transmission shop. If you've never done one you are in for a real treat, both in the complexity and the cost of all the specialty tools you are going to need. the best of luck to you.

i'm not sure exactly on a hyundai, but on the ones i have rebuilt you need a few sets of specialty snap ring pliers, hub pullers, a pretty good hand press, pump tools, clutch pack gauges,ect. i do think that by the time you purchase all of the tools and supplies needed you will have covered the cost of the rebuild at a shop. also, transmissions are not an easy thing to rebuild at all. it takes years of experience to get the feel of how things are supposed to go together and align. the few people that do this work are highly trained and have been doing it for atleast ten years. the worst part about the whole job is you don't know if its going to work or not untill it is reinstalled in the car. even the best builders get ones that they have to pull back out once or twice.