Auto Parts: Brake pads and shoes, jeep cherokee, shoe material

Is there a right or wrong replacement brake pad and shoe material selection?

I see a wide range of prices and pad material, for example pads for a 2001 jeep Cherokee through guardian #13.38 through AKEBONO ceramic for $64.79. Or I could go to the dealer and pay $120 for a set of pads.

I suppose more important than price is the pad or shoe material, which includes organic, metal, and ceramic.

Is there a correct selection?

What factors should I consider?  

The most any pad of shoe can do is lock up the wheel. The difference is the performance. As far as wear, noise, and heat didpaction. All brake pads have to meet certain federal standards. Most of the time your best bet as far as material selection is to stay with what came on it from the factory. Now for quality, I always recommend going with something of oem quality or better. You will get better performance and they will last you longer than the cheaper ones. Other than that it really just comes down to is you get what you pay for.