Car Alarms: alarm problem, theft investigation, checks and balances

My 1999 Forester is great...except for the oil leak and FREAKIN CAR ALARM!! Umpteen times per day, someone else's key fob sets my alarm off. How can I stop this? Can I change the frequency or something?

Thank you for visiting ALARMTEK ONLINE.

I do appreciate your predicament,
however, due to the sensitive nature of this question,
and it's answer, I don't simply share this information openly here

If used in the commission
of a crime, I & they can be held liable for damages,
so that's not going to happen without checks and balances.

Sorry about that, but to combat that issue,
I sell this info privately now as part of how
I make a living online.

This data to disable is
now available on my site at
( for a modest fee so I can
keep track where the information goes in case of an auto theft investigation.

Please go there and use the link that best suits your needs and I will
be happy to help you straighten out your particular issue
if it's at all possible.

Thank you for your question, and your
understanding in this matter.

Yours electronically,