Car Alarms: how do i disable toad car alarm, toad alarms, toad alarm

I have a 1994 volvo 850 se saloon, the TOAD alarm can not be disabled by the method mentioned below AND the car starts screaming its mouth off the second you turn the key to the on position which is what was stated below by an alarmtek person, the under dash area is covered over with an extended dashboard piece, where is this so-called valet button because the previous instructions i have posted below are either lies or is not correct for this car and the alarm it has on board and I need resolution now and I have found a switch of same description as described in your instructions inside glovebox BUT has NO effect:

these instructions below do not work as far as I can see as I have tried them with NO success so where is this so-called valet switch/button. What other way is there that WILL disable this alarm?
alarmtek's answer
Not certain about TOAD alarms,
but the common way is:

Put the key in the ignition, and turn forward
all the way just before cranking. Then within
5 seconds, locate, press and hold in the
valet/overide button, found under the
dash area, (push button, spring loaded)
until the installed LED (the blinking light)
in your dash area goes on solid,
and the siren chirps once.

(Your valet switch might be the toggle
(on/off) type. in this case, key on,
flip switch in opposite direction,
then turn the key off.)

This should reset the alarm, and reset
the grounded relay on the starter wire,
allowing you to start the engine.

At this point, the only thing working would
be the keyless entry from the alarm,
if it came equipped that way.

Just Repeat these steps to place it
back to usable armed mode.
You may get 2 chirps, confirming it,
and the lights may flash twice as well.

That should do it.

Lrt me know if I was correct.


Lies? Um, ok well that was rude and uncalled for.
So, nevermind. I will simply pass on the rest of this inquiry.
You are not one my customers (thank god), and I do not
owe you an explanation or for that matter, anything else.

I volunteer here at this site. I am not a paid employee.
The advice is free to use and the answer you received
is common to 95% of the after market alarm systems we
have dealt with here. Toad is made in Europe
and not even sold here, so it was an educated guess,
but no matter.

I offer advice when possible and help as well, but
to be considered a liar because you can not verify something
I suggested may work in your personal vehicle?
That's above and beyond what I will go through here
to help someone out. Not used to be called a liar, and do not
plan to continue to assist in helping you correct the issue.

Forget about it. I don't care if the rating is a bad
one, I'm done.

Please take this to
another person for assistance.