Car Alarms: Car Alarm sound off every 1/2 hour, code alarm, car alarm

Hi there... I bought a 2001 Mustang and had a Code Alarm installed. I had an issue with the battery and had to change it out cause the alarm kept sounding off... Now I have the new battery installed and had the guy re-attach the alarm.. it works fine but now it goes off about every 30 mins... If I leave it alone it will sound off then stop and go off again and the it just continues until I hit the lock button on the remote.. But then it goes off again in 30 mins... Any ideas as to why this happens... Or is there a problem with Code Alarms in general...

Thank you...
Eric Ricci

Well, sounds like the Code alarm is reading a current spike
on the door trigger or trunk trigger wire every 30 mins, and
sounding the alarm. If you were to remove the wires
that detect current, that would prove the theory.

Trouble is though, it should not be reading a spike
in the power in your car. I'd put it into override
mode (key on, press the LED/BUTTON in until you get
a responce from the siren and the LED goes on solid.)

Then take it to a local car alarm shop for evaluation and
possible redirection of the door trigger wire.

The 30 seconds denotes a spike being automatically
sent by the GEM module. My bet is
that the wire used on the Code alarm harness to detect
the doors opening and closing is wrong.

But you should have that looked into by
a pro.