Car Alarms: Dads Car Alarm, fight fire with fire, citroen xantia

Ok my dads car alarm keeps going off around 12am and 2am, recently around 1am. we have a next door neighbour that my family and that family don't get along. Me and his son are a far bit in to gadgets. I think my dads car alarm is on an open circuit. I cant tell but I saw his dad look out the window and it would go off. I have done shed loads of research on this but cant find what software or the thing he could be using (if it is him). I also think he might have another gadget that does it I think. I have 2 ideas on what to do. I would either like to block the circuit or fight fire with fire. My dads car is a Citroen Xantia. any idea if my facts are right or if I am judging my neighbour wrong

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