Car Alarms: Disarming toad car alarm, toad alarm, site search engine


I have a suzuki jimmny and after i bought it new a had a toad alarm A51s fitted Today i went to use my car and they key fobs will not disarm the alarm

I am told by toad i will have to pay £150.00 to get it serviced but right now i have not got this money

So my question is Is there a way to disarm the alarm permanently till i can afford for some one to fix it. My worry is the alarm is connected to the immobilize so im told and if i disconnect the alarm i will not be able to use the car?



Please go to my forum at
and in the search bar there,
type in the manufacturer of the alarm.
I believe you will find an older thread on
where to get more on this issue.

If no luck in the site search engine
you can also try asking Robert, the
forum moderator in my installers forum.


If anyone can guide you to the this info,
he's your man.

Good luck.