Car Alarms: Need Replacement Brain, search bar, trc

I have a TRC 90-902C alarm system that was installed by the car dealer in 1998. The main control, or brain, has intermittent power issues. The think there might be a broken solder joint on the board. When you wiggle the main plug the power goes off and on. I have inspected the plug and wires. It is not that. It is for sure in the card. I am trying to find a replacement brain but TRC only sells to dealers/installers. Can you help?

Please go to my forum at
and in the search bar there,
type in the manufacturer of the alarm.
I believe you will find an older thread on
where to get more on this issue.

You can also try Robert in my forum:

If anyone can guide you to the this info,
he's your man.

Good luck.