Car Alarms: RV alarm, stephen waterman, new braunfels texas

Am going into an area that is known for hijacking RV's.  Choose to not carry a firearm.  Would like to be able to activate a cut-off switch that activates some distance or time after being set, the idea being that the thief or hijackers will be some safe distance away from me and my family.  

Thank you  in advance.

Stephen Waterman, New Braunfels, Texas  

There are a couple of things to look at.
An alarm the would trigger an anti hijack
signal to engage when there is a door opened, and the
ignition is on and the truck is in drive mode.

This would then flash the lights, sound the 128 db siren
and if the engine is turned off in an effort
to disengage, would not allow restarting without the proper
sequence, leaving the starter locked down and alarm going.
The thief would then abandon it for other prey.

This is an alarm I carry called the Micro 6008.
(in stock= $59.95 +s&h)

If you want to be more involved in it's recovery as well,
a GPS system with on demand starter kill like the VLU 1000
(seen at: will allow the theft to happen,
then you can find and disable it wherever it is and collect it,
or call the cops to find it on your behalf.

Both or, either can an would help you with this issue.

Let me know if I can help out more.