Car Alarms: Car Alarm acting crazy!!!, ford escort gt, ford escort

Ok..I have a 93 Ford Escort GT and about a year and a half ago I had musicmart install an aftermarket autopage car worked fine for the first year but then it started acting crazy..there's what it was doing...I would drive my car to a destination, get out and push my lock button and it would chrip but real low like as if it was losing power...well when I come back to disarm won't...not a chrip or flashing lights or nothing...its like it lost then I get in my car...I start it up..and start driving down the road about 10 minutes of driving and my alarm just goes off (sirens and flashing lights) while driving I push and unlock button and its turns it off.. and thats what it does but not everytime I go somewhere just every now and then...I recently had my car broken into and my alarm did that messed up act so it didnt go off..because over 1000 dollars of stuff was stolen I took it too musicmart and asked them to fix whatever it was...and I got auto lock doors...well he supposbly fixed it...but now 2 months later its doing it again...people have told me to have it replaced entirely..I was seeing what you'd have to say..

Sure replacing it entirely is cool, but if the budget is
saying no, take it into a reputable installer and
first, have all the grounds re done (the low siren tone).

Then check each wire for correct connection.
THEN if no joy, replace it. But I'd try to slavage
it first. :>)