Car Alarms: 2001 Subaru Outback Alarm, valet mode, subaru outback

After disconnecting the battery for a few hours, my factory alarm has reset
itself to be on (previously kept it in valet mode).  My remote seems to be
flakey, and I can't get it back into valet mode by holding down the disarm
button per the manual.  Is there another way to disable the alarm until I can
get a new remote ($$$)?  I tried pulling the horn fuse, but apparently there's
another one for the alarm.  I know the 3 key turn disarm, but meanwhile the
alarm's going off every time I open the door.

If key 0n, press and hold valet button in until you
go into valet does not work, then remove the power
plug from the brain box under the dash and keep that
way until you are ready to deal with it again.

Sorry, but it is an alarm, and as such,
should be difficult to disable.