Car Alarms: Remote starter wont work properly, galaxy 5000rs, remote starter

I have the Galaxy 5000RS-TW installed in my 2001 Ford Escape. The remote starter worked well until last week I changed a new battery. Now when I use the remote start the car, it will try 3 times but just won't start. The power would turn on but it seems the ignition would fail. Usually a blue light on the dashboard would flash after I locked teh car. Now the light doesn't flash anymore. Also the transmitter can't get any signal since it didn't show the status of security system. The machinist who changed battery for me couldn't find any line that need to be connected to the battery. And I can't find a local store that carries this brand. Would you please give me any suggestions about possible reason?

It appears the bypass module installed to get
around the PATS system in your truck may need
to be inspected. When you powered down, it may have
reset it and not does not recognise the remote start
signal being sent from the Galaxy.

Go to for info on your alarm,
and to contact the manufaturer with any questions
you might have on this. They are very helpful,
and will advise you properly as to your options.

Have a good day.