Car Alarms: turn off alarm without remote, pontiac grandprix, fcc id

i have a 99 pontiac grandprix and my car will not start because the alarm has set itself, i've lokked all over for a vallet swutch to flip or button to push and i cant seem to find it.It is an after market factory alarm.please help

OK then, let's start by identifying the alarm you
have by using the FCC ID# on the back of the remote.

Please try a site like , or
and go through the search.

Once done, you may be able to go to the manufactures
web site and tell what is is and what it's capable
of doing. If it has the valet/overide under the
dash area, or part of the LED assembly, or even
if it's an LCD 2 way system, and the overide is
part of the antenna on the window glass.

All these tips may help you locate the valet
if after market.

If factory, you will have other issues.
But factory alarms do not arm themselves.

Let me know what you discover and we'll go from
there if you don't find an answer.

Good hunting.