Car Alarms: Nissan 240sx-98 alarm problem, nissan 240sx, delta elettronica

I made a bad mistake today searching for a problem with my servo door lock on the passenger side. I think i erased the remote alarm key codes, by accedently push the four wite swithes on the alarm module to "on" position. I got a faktory alarm KLE 1045 "12v Type 1045 Delta Elettronica S.p.A" and i cant find any info on how to program new keys in to it and what happend when i pushed those four switches.

I do not know or provide the
individual programming procedure you require for
reprogramming or, adding new remotes here
as it said there on the site you just came from.

Please contact your seller, or the manufacturer for
this information, as all alarms are different,
and the programming setup for each is as well.
Too many veraibles to offer a good answer that will
work for your particular needs.

Sorry, but it is not a normal part of the information
that I provide here at this site. The best suggestion
is to contact your product seller for the procedure
that YOUR system requires.

Good luck with it.