Car Alarms: Accord 2004 Ex keyless entry problem, alarmtek, lx models

QUESTION: My Honda 2004 keyless entry remote, factory installed, does not open or lock the doors anymore, but opens the trunk.Also immediately the key is inserted into the ignition and the car starts, the doors lock up automatically.
The alarm comes on when the drivers door is opened, without the keys, even though the car is left unlocked.
ANSWER: I need to determine whether it's a factory alarm
issue or, if it's an aftermarket system you are
dealing with.

Is it: Headlights flashing, car horn honking
and a worded SECURITY" light in the dash flashing?
Is it: flashing parking lights,
an LED in the dash area, and a siren
"going off"?

Let me know more on this to better
advise you on a course of action.

Best Regards,

Robert Martin

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My belief is that it is a factory installed system, though with "Karr secirity "
logo by the windows,
The headlights flash, the horn honks but i have not observed 'Security"
appearing on the dash. To stop the alarm, you have to insert the key into the
drivers door, lock it and unlock it. Additionally, even the central locking
device does not work with the key, but only from the lock button on the
drivers arm rest.

Ok, Karr is after market sir.
I suggest to start with, that the car dealership
who contacted for the installation contact
the installer for some after sale support on your

If this is the factory system that's being triggered
at the same time, the problem is with the
aftermarket system, confilcting with the OEM-FACTORY

With this car, the factory alarm Arms and disarms
with the door locks on the EX models.
The LX models will arm only with the factory
transmitter. This could be the conflict.

My first suggestion stands. Take it to the
dealership for inspection and correction.

Good luck.