Car Alarms: horn keeps goingoff, valet mode, dash panel

hello i own a 2002 ford explorer, with a mark7 aftermarket, autostart alarm system, my problem started today when i was cleaning out the air filter, i slamed the hood to the car and the horn just started to go off, i took off the battery and let it sit for a while, but as soon as i put i back on the horn lays back on, can you help me out with this problem, if not could you tell me where the fuse for it is so i can pull it out thanks  

Inside the vehicle there should be a small toggle switch, try turning the ignition key to the run position and flipping this switch.  Doing this should put the system in valet mode and over ride the alarm.  

The fuse for the system would probably be in a harness under the driver's side dash.  To find it you would need to remove the dash panel under the steering column and trace back the wires that were tapped in, back to the brain of the alarm.  There will either be fuses in the brain itself or inline fuses that supply the unit.