Car Alarms: AutoStart AS-1414iHF, transponder chip

I have had my starter installed since Nov 2006 and have had to have it reprogrammed at least 4 times.  The starter seems to try and turn the engine over, but won't fully engage the start.... it just sounds like it's going to flood.  I have a copy of the user guide which is very confusing.   

Would you know how I can program this myself?  

2 things could be happening. If the installer missed an
ignition wire, the car would try to crank, but would not
turn over. That's #1.

The other possibility here is that the car
has a transponder chip in the key. That being said,
a bypass module would have had to be installed, and it
may be incorrectly set up, which will also give you this
reaction. It may need re positioning, re programming.

If you get the chance, take this back to the installer
and have them inspect the work. I think they/he-she will
find the same things possibly wrong as I did
and correct them.

Let me know what transpires.