Car Alarms: disable alarm 2002 honda civic, replacement remotes, fcc id

how do i stop the beep when you lock and unlock car and the alarm from going off on a 2002 honda civic - where is the valet thing

If there is an aftermarket alarm, normally the valet
switch is placed under the dash area, usually to the
left knee area.

You will need to consult the manual for you
alarm however, to see how to change the feature settings.

In this instance, you want to stop the chirps.
It will be in your manual. If you don't have
it anymore, try finding it through the remote.

Try to identify your alarm, using the
remote and the fcc ID # on the back,
and then go to
or or, .

They specialize in replacement remotes, but
should be able to ID the system you have.

Then contact the manufaturer for the
book/manual on it.

Best I can offer for this inqiry,
I hope it helps.

Have a good day.