Car Alarms: alarm and remote start failure after new alternator, valet mode, fcc id

We just replaced a faulty alternator on a '96 K2500 Chevy p/u. The alternator had very low to no output. After repair, the alarm and remote start do not function at all, not even the door locks from the remote. I've checked all the visible fuses from under the dash, they're OK. The alarm and remote start are about 12 yrs. old. I'm sorry but I can't find a brand on the alarm. I am able to put it into valet mode with the switch, but as I said before there is no activity at all through the remote(remote light does lightup). I do not have a wiring diagram or know who did original install.

Obviously not factory issue. Ok, go to
or or, ,
and identify what you have by the FCC ID# on the back
of the transmitter.

Then you can track to the manufacturer to
get the programing procedure.

Sorry, but Transmitters all are different
for security reasons, and adding to that,
the advanced age of the system, it's likeley
that the cost to repair the system
and or replace remotes would be more then
replacing it with a fresh new system,
with 2 brand new remotes as well.

Lastly, for inspection purposes, check all INLINE
fuses for the alarm/rem start brain itself. May
have popped it when you reattatched the battery.

Let me know what you discover &
good hunting.