Car Alarms: 1994 acura vigor factory alarm, acura vigor, fuse box

factory alarm sets itself off randomly when i unlock the drivers door. It doesnt do it everytime but when it does i cant turn it off until it cycles...(i believe). are you familiar with this problem and can you help me fix it or disable the alarm??? Thanks.

DEI lists this information for factory alarm disarm in the 94 Vigor:

Factory Alarm Disarm    green/black      -     lrg harness left of fuse box

Find this wire, and ground it permanently.  This should disable the factory alarm.  Pay attention to all other features of the vehicle, like domelight, etc.  If the dome light stays on when you ground this wire, you will have to hook it through a switch, then flip the switch when you need to disarm the alarm.  I would think that your driver's door key cylinder needs to be replaced.  In that cylinder is a switch that sends ground to the wire listed.  The switch is probably going bad.