Car Alarms: pursuit pro9800, valet mode, shock sensor

I purchased a used  2005 pilot and never knew it had a remote starter and shock sensor added. I have been using only the factory key fob to activate the factory security system.

One day, the door went crazy and went into a door lock/unlock mode while being driven and the red led (aftermarket, I guessed) stayed on a blinking mode while the car is running. All i could do is pull out the fuse for power door locks to stop the on/off cycle that is happening so fast the only way to unlock the door to get out is kill the engine. That's when I went looking and found the control unit and shock sensor under my dash.

I found your valet mode instruction to try and disable the pursuit (assuming it is enabled)but the led just kept on blinking rapidly.

Any ideas? I really appreciate reading posts from experts like you who are willing to share your expertise in a forum like this.


The trouble sounds like the grounding on the system is incorrect.
My best suggestion Roy is to get under
the dash area, locate the Pursuit brain box,
and track the wiring to they're connection points.

Make sure all connections are infact making a solid connection,
especially the ground (black( wire.

If intermitent, this is usually why.
Re ground the wire, and try to go into
Valet mode again. This regrounding
may have corrected it. If not, let me know
and we'll look deeper into reaction and cause.


Robert Martin