Car Alarms: Toyota Factory Alarm - disarm insutructions, valet mode, toyota factory

I have a 1992 4Runner with a factory installed alarm. For the life of me I can not figure out how to disarm it. I know there is a way using a sequence of key postion and the valet mode button. Please help!

The 1992 4Runner did not come with a factory installed alarm.  This would have been an aftermarket/dealer installed system.  To put most systems into valet mode, you turn the ignition key to the run position and toggle the switch, or push a button.  This switch will not do anything if there is no voltage to the ignition wire.  Valet mode on most systems will allow keyless entry to work while disabling the security features of the device.

If you are looking to permanently disarm the system, pop down the dash panel under the steering column.  In the ignition harness (the wires running down from the key cylinder) you will see wires have been added.  These wires should have fuses close to where it was tapped into the factory wiring.  Remove these fuses and the vehicle should return to normal operations without the aftermarket system.