Car Alarms: Viper Alarm, screw driver, doorlocks

Ok so I just got a response but maybe I should have clarified- My car was broken into a week ago and the culprits bore out the keyholes on my doorlocks. And my trunk keyhole. So I can't use the keys to get in. Sucka, Huh? I've been trying but I can't break in myself. Any more suggestions?

Well that's troublesome. And still, the last
response would still need to be done,
once you are in.

Not alot you can do except to slim jim the locks
through the door or window seal.

A hanger in most cases will do it but in either event,
you have to break in to get this done.

I wish I had better news, but you gotta figure out
how to break in. How about one of the holes
available, It may need a screw driver in the right spot
to pop the lock, Worth asking since I am not there.
Sorry, but I can't offer much more on this one.

I hope you have luck with it, and remember the
procedure once you are in.