Car Alarms: Immobiliser problem!, dashboard area, nissan micra


Found out about your site and though to have a go and ask for some advice.

I have a Nissan Micra with the "bloody" immobiliser installed in it. The immobiliser is none of these posh things with remote controls etc. I've got that chip kinda thing which you stick into some sort of the dedicated opening with the flashing led light on it.

Well, what happenned is, the flashing light is not flashing any more now, it is off all the time (for the past 2 days). But when you stick the chip inside, light starts blinking, the way it should blink before you'd stick the chip inside to make the light go off constantly for a while, take the chip out and start the engine.

Nothing works really. Before I used to have some sort of that problem, but a slight bang or kick on the dashboard area would fix the problem. Well, it seems the car is pissed with me now and is nomore willing to cooperate with me.

Thanks a lot in advance


Well mate,
  It seems the scientific method did not work. Lol.
I also appears that the power source and or ground
here is intermitent for the aftermarket immobilizer.

If you can, trace back the wiring to test for a bad
ground or connector. From the sound of
it, it simply needs maintanance.

Logically, if it worked before, it
will work again. The vibration issue
tells me to get in there and tight things

Good luck with it.
No more banging the car!
(cars tend to get gremlins when they don't like you!)