Car Alarms: Manual pulse ok module signal not, keyless entry system, gauge wire

Today I spent several hours installing a keyless entry system with no apparent problems, beyond the hassle of isolating wires.  Problem... after wiring up all my relays only manual triggering sets off my trunk, and unlock functions (Lock works, non relay).  When connected to the module signal wires I can here the relays switch but nothing.  I verified that the module signals were negative triggers, checked voltage to see if the signal went ground, and check the system ground (in fact I replaced it with a heavier gauge wire.)  Everything checked out ok.

What could my problem be?  I have a 2001 Malibu and to reiterate I have the proper resitances for the signle wire system. All the relays operate the doors and trunk via manual ground signal, just not through the modules gnd/neg signal.

The Keyless entry system is a Commando EZ-2500.

I passed your question to Commando tech support.
I suggest calling them yourself at 800 780-1409
and speck to them on this one. I don't sell
or install this product, so I am not up on it.

Contact them Monday through Friday 10am to 6pm est.

Good luck with it.