Car Alarms: My Prestige APS786 problems, volt power, back doors

My alarm, a Prestige APS 786 keeps going off. I have a 1992 Honda Accord LX. The alarm turns itself on, and then when i disable it, it will turn itself on again in like 10 minutes. When i went into the car, i saw the trunk open light was on, and no matter how many times i open or close the trunk, it won't go off. The door open lights also seem to be alittle delayed. When i open the back doors, it doesnt show up on the display as open, until a few minutes have passed. anyways, so the alarm goes off, and the trunk open light won't come off. do you know whats wrong?

The alarm is reading the open circuit and is
reporting it each time. This has to be
repaired so that it goes out when the trunk
is closed, so that the alarm does not
sence any 12 volt power.

Until you do, it will malfunction.

Good luck with it.