Car Alarms: 2000 Dodge Neon viper install, dome light supervision, viper 350 hv

I am installing a viper 350 hv in a 2000 dodge neon. It is 75% done. I have the starter disable working properly. LED is in, siren is in and valet is in as well. I also have the lock function working (light green on window control), however I am having problems with the unlock feature (do I need a diode). I am also not sure if I need relays for the parking / flashing lights and dome light supervision. Those are the last three functions I need to resolve. Any help would be appreciated.  

Mike, I sell this info for a living at
for 3.99 and it covers the dodge/chrysler
single wire door locks system using
relays and resistors. It's not
the kind of general information I discuss here at
length for free. I suggest you get it. It will explain
the troubles you are having with the locks, trunk
release, imobilizer, domelight supervision etc...

If not, try the folks at DEI (viper). I would think
they should help you on this. It is they're equipment