Car Stereos: Speakers, factory speakers, infinity sound


I have a 2004 Jeep Liberty Limited with the Infinity sound package and I need to replace a blown speaker in the front passenger door. I plan on purchasing a new pair of speakers however I don't know if I need 2ohm or 4ohm?
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

Thank you in advance

ANSWER: Hi Larry,

Unfortunately, the '04 Liberty Limited with Infinity has the amplifiers integrated into the speakers, so you need to find a duplicate of the OEM speaker, or replace the system entirely.


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QUESTION: Hi Justin,

Wouldn't I just be able to remove the amp from the oem speaker, attach it to the inside of the door & wire it to the new speaker?

ANSWER: Hi Larry,

No, the speakers aren't really user serviceable.

Here's a picture which (sort of) shows you how the amplifier is an integrated part of the speaker:

If the issue is simply that the foam has cracked/separated from the speaker (the most common failure on these speakers by a long shot), then there are repair kits you can get on eBay which come with instructions on how to install them.

If you want to replace the speakers, you'll find a new head unit, and new unamplified speakers will probably cost less than the replacement speakers.


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I'm sorry I didn't mention that I have an aftermarket head unit installed (Pioneer Premier)
So if I purchase 2 aftermarket speakers, I should be able to just remove the factory speakers & amps & just install the new speakers, correct?

Sorry for the misunderstanding,

Oh, in that case, yes!

But you might have to mess with the wiring.  Depending on how the aftermarket headunit was installed.

If it's currently wired with the RCA outputs off of the deck going to the speakers (the way it should have been if you're using factory speakers), then you'll need to use the high level speaker outputs from the aftermarket deck to the new speakers.

In either case, the replacement speakers you'll need will be 4ohm.
