Car Stereos: 2002 Celica GTS Stereos connection, 2002 toyota celica gts, toyota celica gts

Hi mr. Justin Wheeler

i got a 2002 Toyota Celica Gts and recently i got a BOSS 745BA Stereo and also got a harness kit from BESTKITS "BHA8113"

I connected the RED, YELLOW and BLACK to the harness, and connect all the R.C.A from the BHA8113 to the Radio. after i turn it on. the Radio is work but there is no sound at all.

the i found out that i need to connect the "AMP turn on" wire. my question is, i don't know where to connect the "AMP turn on" and "ampifier ground" wires

here is my factory connection.

here is the BHA8113 i connected so far

these are the plug from Boss 745BA

Hi Leon,

I don't know the BHA8113 kit specifically.  But aftermarket harnesses should have their function silk screened onto the wire's sheath that you can read to find its location.

If not, I'd suggest a phone call to the retailer you bought it from for help.
