Car Stereos: my pioneer super tuner wont flip back., spilled coke, rubbing alcohol

i have a pioneer super tuner III i don't know what year it is the car was given
to me as is. but the previous idiot owner lord knows how spilled coke on it.
now it works just fine but it wont flip back in. i was told it would be cheaper
to get a new one then to get it fixed but it works perfectly fine and i don't
feel the need to so it there an alternative way that maybe i can fix myself or
have someone do it for me?

Hi Stephanie,

Super Tuner III is actually just one of the technologies the deck uses to get FM signals.  The actual model number will likely start with a DEH followed by a series of letters and numbers.

Try a q-tip with a little bit of rubbing alcohol on it.  See if you can get it in anywhere Coke spilled, and clean things up.  If that doesn't do it, let me know which model you actually have and I'll get a better understanding of its mechanics and see what other info I can provide.
