Auto Racing: difference in fwd and rwd chassis, rwd car, fwd car

My ? Is. Other then the obvious differences in a rwd car such as having a drive shaft,differential,axles on the back of your car what are the difference in the build of the chassis in a fwd car and a rwd car. Also if I converted a fwd import into a rwd car and the angles and build are done correctly. How would the car handle on turns and drift.  
Thank u

Basically, the front chassis of the fwd car contains all the super structure to handle the torque and vibration of the engine and drivetrain. The rest of the chassis is just along for the ride. A rwd has reinforcement throughout the chassis to support the various load carrying devices.
As far as modifying from fwd to rwd, if the car is scaled correctly with the proper weight distribution, the handling should be fine.