BMW Repair: E46 325Ci wont start, crankshaft sensor, crank shaft position sensor

Similar question to a couple you have answered already tbo

Engine would not start 1st time but no problem 2nd, I then had it not start atall but was fine next day. A week later the car stalled and then will not start.
So engine will crank, I have put a Snap On reader and it showed camshaft (crank from what you say). I have replaced both camshaft sensors but this seemed to make the start worse!

The sensors are the cheap from internet so maybe no suprise lol

I also have a crank position sensor now. So what steps would you take from here? I will try to do the work myself so any tips or links on how to do it would also help.

Thanks in advance


Hello Barry,

I thought the crankshaft sensor question I answered was for another model, might not have been you.

Anyway, camshaft sensors (2) would not stop the car from starting, they only adjust the vanos units when needed.

The crankshaft sensor (1)on the other hand will stop the engine from starting!

By all means, replace the crankshaft sensor.

What i was referring to 2lost in translation" was snap on code readers,which i have, sometimes confuse the loss of crankshaft signal.You can verify this with an oscilloscope or just by replacing the crank shaft position sensor.

They fail quite often.
