BMW Repair: 1985 BMW 325e Air conditioner compressor problem, 1985 bmw 325e, blown fuses

Compressor won't engage on 1985 BMW 325e.  No + power to the compressor.  I have found no blown fuses and the inside switch was replaced a few years ago.  The condensor fan comes on with when to ac switch is turned on and the ignition is on, but still no + power to the compressor.  I can hot wire a + to the compressor and it engages.  Is there possibly another in-line fuse somewhere, or is the inside switch possibly defective?

I would recheck to make sure that when you do turn the switch on that it does have power at the switch.Maybe even as far as jumping the switch to see if power does go outside.You said thatusing a jumper you can engage the compressor, so trace the power back.