BMW Repair: door lock and instrumenal cluster, gas gauge, 1995 bmw 740i

okay i got a couple problems i bought a 1995 bmw 740i

and the driver side door is missing the lock im guessing the
whole lock step up, when you put the key in the whole on the
outside of the door it wont even turn so how would i replace

the second thing is my speed meter does not work at all and
the gas gague works but barly and the miles goes up 1 about
every 25miles?  any ideas on what it could be.

Lots of problems.....

The drivers door lock:  Sounds like it's there and a key can go in it.  Try cleaning the cylinder, and perhaps spraying graphite into the hole.  It's not missing if the key goes in and it doesn't turn.  if you change out the lock, it will likely be the cylinder too, so it will require a different key.  Don't give up on this one yet.

The speedometer/gas gauge/odometer. Because of these three, I suspect the control unit for the instrucment panel is bad.  This, or the instrument panel, are expensive fixes, and require the dealer to sync them.  You have to decide how bad it is.

Good luck!